Where Rockstars Train.

AC⚡SC offers performance training for the athlete located in a private training facility. No matter who you are, in these doors you are a Rockstar, and the stage is waiting. 


Justin Denson Jr.

Athlete, Michigan State University Football

"I started training with Alex as a freshman in high school. My progression through his programming made it easy for me to separate from others in my grade."

Simone Miranda

Athlete, South Carolina State University Soccer

"Being a soccer player, at first I was hesitant about training with Alex. I soon realized that Coach Alex focuses specifically on each athlete, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses to help achieve their personal goals on and off the field."

Marcus Sukkar

Athlete, Brown University Football

"Alex has not only taught me how to fulfill my dream of playing Division One football, but also lifelong lessons that I will use for years to come."

Kamalie Pemberton

Athlete, University of Rhode Island Football

"Alex has really helped me develop into the best football player I could be. Week by week I got stronger and more agile while gaining a superior confidence in myself. We always attack last week's goal with a mindset of competing against myself and not getting complacent."

Jamezell Lassiter

Athlete, Vanderbilt University Football

"I met Alex my freshman year of high school and through our training I was able to see tremendous improvement with my speed, skill, body control and physique."

Alfino Davis

Athlete, Endicott College Football

"Going into my freshman year of college I trained with Alex once. I didn't lock in with him until my junior year and returned the fastest and most explosive I have ever been. I wish I trained this way earlier in my career."

Where Rockstars Train
@Alexcortellessa on IG
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